When I wrote and posted about word contraction this past month (see re-cap below if you’re new to The Unschool), I included some thoughts about SOUND, listening to people talk, and creating dialogue from this. I suggested closing your eyes to focus on hearing how we abbreviate words or enunciate. Aural shorthand. Y’know. So’m I.
We are sight-oriented and becoming more so, even though our other senses can hold more in our memory banks, and have lasting power in other ways. Visual literacy was a buzz phrase when I studied in an Education program and worked within an MA in Children’s Literature program. But what does that mean?
So here’s this month’s prompt:
Strive to heighten your awareness of one sense for a day—a day of smells/scents, a day of taste… and so on. You may want to close your eyes periodically throughout that day, or wear ear plugs, or in some way—simply being aware to block out—“turn off” other senses as much as you can.
What do you notice through such a day? Share your observations and surprises. Or even a piece of writing written as a result of this exercise.
At the end of such a week, you might be seeing anew, too.
Over the past number of months, there’s been a strange sound in my bedroom. An intense rattling sound. Not far away from my little house, there’s a train track, and the trains run through the night and early morning hours. At first, I thought there was a connection. I realized I’ve always heard something of this sound, since moving in, but it seems to have grown in intensity.
Some time ago, I thought it was the train and busy roadway vibrations rattling the metal shelving that I’d emptied and filled again in a different way… Then I thought it might be removing the elbows from two stories of down-spout pipes immediately outside… But after various experiments, it turns out to have been loosened screws on the glass light fixture, and the sound was of glass vibrating on metal as, yes, those trains, go by, and the increased construction traffic on the road outside. For weeks, I’d awaken and review possibilities for sound. And am enjoying the quiet now.
I’ve created a separate prompt thread for this work, and hope you post thoughts on focusing on senses other than sight, and/or writing that grew from this.
Here is the prompt thread:
Re-cap of January
Thoughts on writing from the inside—getting that word count in—or from the outside—the peripheral, the research, the thinking-through—and more, of course:
Losing the sacred—
It’s been awhile since a punctuation/grammar piece—
And poetry—even for the non-poets—
I received an email from the Substack folks, saying that they’ve noticed a “decline” in my subscriptions, and advising me to open the “chat” option. I’ve resisted “Chat.” I’ve also resisted hosting zoom meet-ups. I’ve wanted to write. Once or twice through the year I actively seek your questions and then post my responses as Q&A series. In this way, the answers are recorded for perusal. (You can find these listed in “Q&A” in the indexes.) Even our workshops here on The Unschool are old-school reading-submissions and written back-and-forths for feedback.
I enjoy when people post thoughts right here, on the posts that resonate with them, or when people turn to the workshops and share work and feedback. To date, I’ve wanted that kind of community—a writing community of writers as opposed to a talking community.
But perhaps I’m mis- or pre-judging.
So can we do a poll? I’m not making any promises! But it would be easier to consider making changes if they come from you (and not a Substack marketing person!)
I’ve had some suggest zoom meet-ups. I taught at UBC through the times of covid… and have to admit that zoom meetings still come with some residual Stuff for me from that experience and time. My book club meets via zoom, and we’re a good group of women, sipping our tea and wine, and okay with talking over each other every so often, and then fearlessly peering into those little squares on our computer screens and asking questions. It does work—but I suspect that’s because we know each other, and many of us have ancient histories. At times, I wonder if that zoom-positive experience will leave enough fairy-dust to expel the zoom-negative of former-workplace.
For now, when I feel I have to be “on” in the way of business-y and promotion… well, zoom and its ilk is just a misery… But maybe I need to listen to what you say!
So a poll on the question of CHAT — in or out?
If you have work you’d like to post to workshop, please email it to me:
alison (at)
So far, the most active workshop is for picturebooks.
For the past few months a small number of folks have been hoping to get a novel-writing workshop off the ground… but no one has actually submitted anything. Please send along a novel excerpt. With one exception, the area of interest so far has been contemporary adult novel.
In the past, we’ve run a poetry workshop—which would be lovely to revive.
As always, do let me know if you have any writing or publishing questions. Email as above.
And a heart-felt thank you to our recent subscribers. Your support and dedication to writing is the fuel here!
Today is dark and wet! A perfect day for winter writing—
These are my thoughts about Chat and Zoom meetups, for what they are worth.
I've done weekly Zoom gatherings for my paid subscribers since 2021. The very small number of paid subscribers who enjoy them, seem to really enjoy them. But, only a very small number have ever taken advantage of them. If I had to do it again, I would not, because I don't feel that they add enough value to paid subscribers for the time they take.
I have used the Chat function ever since Substack created it. I've struggled to find a solid use for it. I much prefer to write regular essays for the newsletter, and I get far higher engagement to them than anything I ever put up on Chat. For the past two months I've taken to using it for month long book discussions. That worked really well the first month, I presume because people liked the book. It worked really badly the second month, I presume because people didn't like the book. Hopefully I have a better book picked out for February, we'll see.
Ultimately though, I think that the best marketing advice for writing I ever received was "Write More." And I think that has proven to be true here on Substack for me.
I'm with Cindy, I don't know how Chat would be different than what Unschool already provides. I have a small writing critique group and we started on zoom because of Covid and have continued. We meet once a month and I love it. It gives me a feeling of connection to the writing community...I live in South Surrey so hardly ever get into town when they're having socials. So I'd be interested in a monthly zoom, but I have so far enjoyed what you're already doing. A LOT!