Strive to heighten your awareness of one sense (other than sight) for a day—a day of smells/scents, a day of taste… and so on. You may want to close your eyes periodically throughout that day, or wear ear plugs, or in some way—simply being aware to block out—“turn off” other senses as much as you can.
What do you notice through such a day? Share your observations and surprises.
And/or share a piece of writing written as a result of this exercise.
(Read the full prompt in the February 1 post.)
Here's a NYTs piece about cooking with your senses that I was included in a few years back that might be of interest. It's unlocked for all.
I did this as a lesson for appreciation with students in Grade 8. The opposite context was extending the experience to becoming permanent. For example students wore ear plugs for a specific period and recorded what they did, how they thought, how much more they tuned in or out of their interior world.
Wrote descriptions of what they saw , touched, or smelled. Then they summed up how it felt to not be able to hear as well.
In the extension many students had grandparents with hearing limitations and they had a conversation with them about their experiences of having hearing loss. Others tried to create picture books for children who were born deaf. One student began learning American Sign Language.
It was always an interesting learning experience for the students and helped them understand how encountering limitations can change our perceptions.