Can't take a break now; am prepping for the 3 Day contest, which your reminder about has inspired me to enter for the first time. Thinking it's time I tried a little fiction again after years of non-fiction. Not that I can write, of course, but I am musing about the plot and characters.

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What's with the "not that I can write"...?? a typo :)

Breaks are good when they're chosen. And when you need.

I am glad to hear you're wading into the 3 Day--and look forward to hearing about it!

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I meant not that I can start writing now, because I have to wait till the contest begins.

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Right... outlining and notes are acceptable, though. Scribbles of musings.

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Yes, I have been scribbling

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Sheldon... how did it go?

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I like this idea of setting a date to return to writing. I’m in the midst of an ebb with my writing now. The flow has come and gone before, but knowing that I have a set day to check back in with myself and return would make the ebb less worrisome.

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Yes! The "honouring" piece. I'd be curious to know how it goes...

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