Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023Liked by Alison Acheson

When I am inserting a new scene or chapter into a second draft novel how do I do it without disturbing the flow of the story? I guess I am asking about the transition points?

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I've been writing short essays on my Rocky Point Substack. Do you have any tips for ways I can switch my non-fiction, observational mind into a fiction engine that can create short stories and novels? Plot ideas escape me. Thanks!

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Hi Alison. How can I find an editor for my 75,000 word m/s without breaking the bank? All the ones I have checked out are incredibly expensive.

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... old house boarded up. Sorry about the break - my Substack has been very jittery recently. Best wishes for a great story which I would love to read. Rosy

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Alison Acheson

OK then...what's the best way to find an agent? Or, in today's publishing world, is having an agent still an advantage? Thx and keep up the good work.

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Still struggling with the "Show don't tell" concept. You don't want to know how many "X felt..." are in my draft!!! Any simple tips or more in depth stuff welcome.

Need recommendations for videos, other resources or even short courses?

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Alison Acheson

Might be too late to this, but I've been holding back posting some of my non-fiction/essays/ramblings online to a substack or blog because I cannot commit to a set topic/theme. I tend to be an all over the place kind of person and have a wider net of interests/subject matters that spring to mind vs just one or two more set topics, and haven't been sure how big of a problem this may pose in attracting and keeping a core set of readers in the short or long term.

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I like to use fiction techniques in my nonfiction writing, but do you think there are nonfiction techniques that could be used in fiction?

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May 1, 2023Liked by Alison Acheson

I’ve made it through the first draft of my first novel. That was always the initial goal, and now that I’m here, I’m really curious about the revision/editing process. As a first timer, how should I go about this? Also loving the comments and info about agents and the publishing tidbits. Thanks!

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May 12, 2023Liked by Alison Acheson

Hi Alison,

I haven’t waded into those murky waters yet. I’m not sure which direction to swim and how deep the water is. Instead, I’ve taken the advice that I’ve heard from other authors to “let it rest” for a time before diving in.

What I have found is that I’m getting more excited about rereading my story and inspired about the revision process instead of the dread I felt immediately after finishing.

My thought is to first read it in it’s entirety and make notations but no changes. Then, go back and reread while I make some serious changes to improve the overarching plot and character arcs. Cleaning up the flow of the story. Then, line editing. Three sweeps in total? I really am not sure when I’ve made it to the beach on the opposite side. It looks far, but it might be even further than I suspect...

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