Ah, OK, the Luddite in me is giving way to a greater understanding of the hows and whys of the site. It appears that this project is brand new. I will attempt to set up a profile. Thanks.

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It is brand new! The Luddite here is learning, too... I'll be posting pieces/responses/newsletter for the next while before I put some behind the paywall. But want to find my way and connect for a while first, and would be very interested to know of any questions you have. I'm hoping to post a breadth of pieces that will be useful to both beginners and those who have been writing for a long time. Currently working on a piece to address some "post-MFA" questions from a former student. Thank you for posting a note and signing on!

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Great! Happy to engage. By and large I think the site is quite well set up. I had no idea what to expect and so fumbled around for quite a while trying to get the gist of things.. My only suggestion might be to have the reason for the site and your intention for it even more obviously stated at the opening page, for people like me that are a bit haphazard about learning sometimes. This seems very strange, me giving suggestions to you....!

Curious,- I am I the first person to set up a profile, after you? In my world we would call that person the "poodle". The one who goes first to test for danger....

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You are indeed the poodle! I thank you for your suggestions... and will get on it!

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Interesting being in at the start of something like this. If you have anything you wish to ask of me, please feel free to do so.

Another suggestion then. Participants may feel reluctant to comment (as I was/am) without understanding how or where their comments will be used or viewed. As my finger hovers over the "post" button, I wonder to myself if my comments go only to you, or will they be posted for everyone to see?

If they go on to a common page for all to see, are they posted there "for eternity", as archived material, or are they removed after a certain period of time? Some clarity about how public the comments are might encourage greater participation.

And, as some subject matter or challenges writers may face can be quite personal as the writer works her/himself through that/those matters, do you envision an ability through the site to address questions or issues with another individual without posting to the wider group?

It is another beautiful day out, so will go play outside before the rains are due.

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Lyle, I appreciate this. I hope you have enjoyed the out-of-doors day--it has been a good one.

I think, as much as possible, it would be good if comments are public in order to have conversation and discussion. So often what is a question in one mind is a question in many minds. Ideally, comments build and grow--just as yours are here.

In workshops, I've always found that questions of content--personal material--are often covered with looking at craft and form. And, for the writer, focusing on craft and form often work with the personal in useful ways. (Have you read the "Form and Content" post yet?)

That said, if someone feels a need to contact me with an issue/question, they can... but I might ask their permission to turn my answer into a post, if I feel the Q&A might be useful.

Ideally, I'm hoping for some way that people can connect with each other, and form writing groups independent of DIY MFA. There is a "discussion" option here, to explore to that end. Perhaps individuals will be able to post their areas of writing, and their approach/preferences for workshopping. This is something that I'll set up down the line.

Lyle, thank you again for posting questions!

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Added note: Once I enter the "paid" world (June 1st), the comments will be contained to paid members only, and not open to public.

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Hi Alison, wondering where we can find the annotated bibliography of writing books? I'm really enjoying all the pieces I've read so far, THANK YOU!

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Njamba, I'm so glad you are exploring and enjoying! I've posted the first--it's my most recent post, on "craft memoirs." I'll be working on a series, so am trying to group them into categories such as this "memoirs" one: more "foundational" books, grammar books, strictly "craft"... and so on. Some I'm having to re-read and others are many-times-read favourites. Some are completely new to me. So it will take a bit of time. I hope you enjoy the craft-memoir grouping.

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Cool! Thanks for following up. I’m still catching up on the latest posts. I do find myself rereading the books that drew me in. This post is inspires me to think beyond the story arc and the words and look closer into the style and other elements of the “craft” that communicate to me as a writer (as opposed to a reader).

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Re-reading is so useful. I will soon be posting a piece about reading, too, as Part Two of the "foundational" (or beginning--though you are hardly "beginning"...but in some sense, we always are!) series of pieces. The journal-keeping piece is the first of that series. So good to have some books to take apart and learn from. So good to know what readers' questions are!

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Alison: a friend has proposed this: “I think it might be useful for you to submit “Minoru” to one of the reputable markets that will, for a nominal readers’ fee, provide you with a critique.” A reader’s fee I think it is called. Is there someone/place that you might suggest?

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My goodness! I like to think I don't miss any posts...but this one slipped right by! I am so sorry. Did you ever find someone to do this? Maybe send me an email! Huge apologies!

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This turned into a story. Perhaps you’d like to read it? Like most of my Ellrod stories, it is very short.

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Please email it to me!

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