Happy 2023, Alison!

Good, clear advice. I've come to the conclusion that, no matter what I write, no matter how I encourage interaction, most of my subscribers will simply read the current email. At least, the stats indicate that's what they're doing.

Then I find there's a whole bunch (well, a small bunch) of peeps who've been listening to my podcast via various apps, including my biggest and most loyal 'day job' client, and I was unaware of it for months, as they haven't signed up to my Substack.

When I feel frustrated by all this, as I often do, I look to my own online activity and ruefully admit: I'm exactly the same, well-intentioned, but continually distracted by new bright, shiny things.

I hope to spend more time here in 2023.😊

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There is much to be distracted by, yes. And not enough hours.

But when readers DO want to access and it's not straightforward... I feel a real need to make it clear! I appreciate this, from you. It is most useful feedback.

Wishing you the Best and Time in this New Year, Steve!

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This was so helpful, Alison! Thank you.

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You're welcome. I should have done this ages ago!

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Ages ago, I wouldn't have believed I needed it!

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Oh wow, this was useful, because it alerted me to the fact that I should figure out how to do something similar for my own subscribers! Given that I post every day, I know that it is very difficult for someone who might want to go back and look for something like one of my father's poems I've published. The solution I've come up with is to create tabs, one for his poetry, one for the posts I call Historical Tidbits, and one that I just created called the Authors Corner where i have posts directed at providing advice to authors. But I doubt whether very many, if any, of my subscribers know about these tabs.

In addition, I usually go to my inbox to read other people's posts, so I haven't spent any time looking in detail at someone else's home page. Therefore, I loved finding out about the index you created. Perfect for me to look through some of the posts (like who and that!) before I start on my major rewrite. Grammar in particular has never been my strong suit (my major professor didn't give me a grade on my first paper, making me rewrite before I turned it in, he also gave me Fowler's Modern English Usage book when I passed my orals...hint hint.) And, because most of my career I wrote non-fiction, I never did have any experience with dialog--so that one I really had to learn. Anyway, thanks so much for this.

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Thank YOU, Mary Lou! I was anxious about posting because it is lengthy. I am relieved that it is useful.

I must say that I enjoy putting together my indexes. I can see "holes" in the areas I'm trying to cover. And I feel as if I am building something--maybe not bricks'n'mortar.

Maybe picks'n'order...?

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Don't laugh (or cry) but I didn't know there were indexes, until today!

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Ah! I SHOULD have done this ages ago. I've put in bits and pieces of this here and there... but am now feeling I'll need to post this on the homepage in some prominent way. After all, you are my Original Reader...and if you've missed them, then...

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This is a really great tutorial, Alison! A lot of readers can benefit from what you’ve laid out here. Thank you!

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Andrew, if you think your readers would find it useful, cross-post, or feel free to adapt for your own purposes! Happy 2023 to you!

Looking forward to more of your fine writing this year!

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Thanks, Alison. I'll probably cross-post with a brief introduction to my readers. I didn't want to plagiarize your piece, so I'm really grateful for the green light. You are a true teacher, kind and generous as ever. Happy 2023 to you, too!

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As a librarian, I am fond of indexes and can never hear enough about them! ;)

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Ha ha! YES. You do know that writers love librarians, right? You-s are some of our absolute favourite peoples... (Later today I meet an old librarian friend for lunch--haven't seen her since pre-covid. She's a children's lit specialist. We'd have party games of telling fairy tales from various countries world-over... and say things like "Cinderella in Russia"..."Okay, now Turkey..." "Now France..." and off she'd go. Amazing!

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Yes, tomorrow is our monthly library writers' group meeting and I'm lining up the panel for our upcoming local authors event. I've done one in the spring and fall for the past few years, but missed the fall one due to my new job not allowing the time for it. (Still don't really have time, but am doing the spring one, anyway!)

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Sounds good! It is worthwhile work indeed!

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Happy New Year Alison!

I thought this was very thorough information and I greatly appreciate that there are writing resources and actual people to interact with when finally getting the gumption to write and share our work.

I also think it's great how you broke down how we see Substack posts versus emails and such.

I'll admit that I read my emails and get intrigued then forget to go back or just make my "TBR" pile of Substack reads. I need to get better at actually going back and reading them as there is alot of useful information and interaction happening.

Resolution and Goal this year is to write more, take a few writing courses, and find the right platform or site to begin sharing. Whether it be here or somewhere else.

Happy to have found you!

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There really is a lot. I've had folks spend time working through a category in the index. It makes my day to see writers doing this.

I know the Unschool is all over the map (like me!), but when one does that, it becomes a piece of real absorption.

Let me know your questions, Tania. I am so glad you are here--thank you for your active support! Here's to your reading and writing year!

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Alison, thank you SO much for taking the time to explain this. I will be able to make fuller use of your Substack articles, especially as I often look for earlier entries. I didn't know that they were indexed!

You would think that as a paid, longtime subscriber I would know my way around. And I've not had much difficulty finding older posts, even though I've scrolled through them chronologically and not by subject.

But the embarrassing truth is, quite often when I have tried to post a comment I've gotten lost and sometimes have not been able to write a response. I have assumed that's because I usually pick up your Substack emails on my phone and read them then, while I originally registered for Unschool on my laptop. I thought that the app didn't work as well on my phone. But it turns out that I had just never explored enough. Thank you for the guided tour today.

The reason I hadn't had difficulty finding previous posts, is that I always click on "Unschool for Writers" after clicking on the post of the day in my email. Previous posts immediately load up on my phone's screen. However, I had never noticed that menu (quite tiny on the phone) that included "workshop space," "about," and "archive," etc. So, when you referred to workshops in your posts, I had been a bit fuzzy about how people were gathering. I've been missing opportunities!

I now see that the reason I've had difficulty consistently commenting on your posts is that the app works differently on the phone than on the laptop, and I had attributed the difference to my having first subscribed on my laptop, rather than to slight differences in the app design. (It's always been easier for me to respond to articles on my laptop, but I usually read them on my phone.) I am comparing them now while reading your helpful article, and see where I went wrong. I now see that the "heart" and "bubble" icons appear in a fixed position at the top of the screen, while on my phone they appear at the bottom of the screen but disappear when I scroll down to read the article, likely so as not to take up screen space. They reappear if I slightly scroll up again. I have often gone looking for these icons, knowing that I just saw them, but often don't find them because they are not actually in a fixed location on the article page, but function as pop-ups. I never grasped this until following your directions just now, and comparing the laptop screen to my phone's. Of course, the "leave a comment" button later in the post always works. That's what I usually use.

Thank you so much for this information. I look forward to being able to comment more frequently, and also to being able to make fuller use of your site. It's often the case that something you post begins to resonate for me, or match my needs, days or weeks later. I look forward to finding posts by topic. Also, I may investigate workshop options in a couple of weeks. Ready for that, I think!

Thank you for this VERY helpful entry.

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It would be amazing to workshop with you!

And you've inadvertently pointed out something to me: I rarely use the phone app with Substack, unless I'm riding my stationary bike (aka: writer's reading-workout! I bought a bike that has space to plant a book to read... One must have priorities!) So I have no idea how it looks and functions, or miss- or mal-functions!

All of this feedback to this piece is beyond useful. Thank you!

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Alison, appreciate all the wonderful information. Hadn't really thought before about the readers who just read the email and never visit the site. Those who subscribe later are missing out on so many wonderful articles written by their favorite Substackers. I'll have to play with the headers and graphics to see if I can get more to click through to the website. Thanks!

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You're welcome! I'm realizing I still need to explore how it reads on the app/phone... which I'e ignored as I use it very little myself.

But yes--it's a shame to have archived posts that still offer so much--one only has to look! So we need to make it as easy as possible. Happy New Year to you, David!

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It reads badly on the app. But I loathe apps, so. Prolly need to check it out for yourself ;)

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Are you saying Substack in general... or the way I'm structuring the Unschool posts? Anything I should know? (Or not. Heavy tech-sigh...)

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No no, Substack in general. It forces a waterfall mode in the app, so all you get is the pinned posts, followed by most recent. And that assumes someone clicks on your publication and doesn't just stay in their inbox.

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Ah--it's that assumption. The missing piece.

Thank you!

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Thank you for the work you do. I don't remember how I stumbles into your blog but I am so glad I did. I'll look around and hopefully, someday I can be part of your workshop space.

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This is so incredibly helpful! Thanks so much. 💗

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It's not easy to navigate... I know!

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