An excellent post, Alison. Thanks for the links and info.

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You're welcome, Rosy! It's overwhelming to look up these things, so am trying to find a handful at a time, thoroughly check out, then share. I hope to do this every 2-3 months. If you hear of a good one, let me know :)

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That’s such a great thing to do. I certainly will.

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Thanks, Alison. I've just given Short Story a shot. I was completely unaware of (or had forgotten about) its existence. I really like the concept of a short story comp for and funded by Substackers.

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Yes! He's doing good work with this. I'm so glad to hear you've sub'd work there!

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This is the kind of info that can be frustratingly time-consuming to discover, assuming a writer even knows it exists. Thank you, Alison!

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Thanks for this Alison. I may try a nonfiction contest.

For fiction, the 3-Day Novel Contest used to be a great challenge, but I've not done it in five years or so. Don't know how well it's managed these days.

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Do! the Event opp would be a fit!

I ran a series of pieces last year about the 3 Day: https://unschoolforwriters.substack.com/p/how-the-3-day-novel-contest-time (They're all in the Index for 2021.)

Ha! YOU know more about this than anyone! We should do a Q&A...

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I would like to add - https://theghoststory.com/

They run several contests throughout the year and I was fortunate enough to win in 2017 for “ The Salish Sea Zombie”. It paid $1000 US

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Thank you, Al! Much appreciated, yes. Loved that story! And that's serious prize money.

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