Workshop Groups! the Picturebook group starting up again for September, and NEW POETRY GROUP
Poets! Prick up your ears!
Hello Unschool Writers!
I returned from a 7-day hike last night. Wow. I’ve ingested enough mountains ’til next July. Good to return to active commenting on the newer posts…
I’ve sent out an email to the regular picturebook-workshop folks. We reviewed eight pieces over the summer, and took a breather these last few weeks. Looking forward to getting hands-to-keyboard again!
I’ve had requests for a poetry group—a group in which you-s can feel secure sharing work, at whatever level you feel you are, with helpful feedback. Thoughtfulness all around.
Please send me an email if this is something that interests you:
Even with only three or four writers, this can work. Half a dozen would be ideal.
The way we’ve worked the picturebook group is to post one piece each week. Others weigh in with just a few comments. With enough people involved there is no need for any one of us to take on full feedback. We avoid repeating what has already been said, and simply open with a couple thoughts or add one or two. It keeps the time committment minimal—which most of us need. At the end of the week, the writer has received a mix and depth of feedback.
If anyone is interested in creating a group for “scene” workshopping—might be from short of long fiction, or excerpts from creative nonfiction even—again email me, let me know. Here I’ll set a firm max word count, as in the past longer pieces—alas—do not garner feedback. Word count will be 1200. (Might even be complete short or flash fiction.)
Again, email is
Paid Only
This workshopping process does involve extra time on my part, so I reserve it for those who are paid subscribers. And truly, for $5 or 6 per month, it’s a great deal… what can I say! ($6/monthly and $60/annual. Note, that is Canadian $$ — so less than $5 for USA folks.)
Many of you have indicated in the poll of the September 1 newsletter that you are leaping into new work or renewed work. So this might be most timely —