When I put out a call for workshoppers last week—for the picturebook group, a new poetry group, and a third, something I called “scene”—I had several responses for the latter.
The former two are up and running—feel free to email if you want to take part in any one of the three.
I’ll be emailing the scene group, and you can begin to submit work VIA EMAIL. (See below for my address.) I then post your work to begin a discussion thread.
In each workshop, the goal is to post one piece per week, to give others a chance to take their time to read, be thoughtful, and write responses. The responses do not need to be long—they need to shine a light on one or two points only. With a few other writers bringing their thoughts too, the total will be something to dig into and work.
What do I mean by “scene”?
This workshop will look at discreet pieces—that is, one with a beginning, middle, and end. Or at least a sense of some turning point in the piece, an arc of sorts. It doesn’t need to be “complete” in the sense of a fully-explored story. But something that has “enough” to bear commenting. Ask yourself before you send to me: if this was someone else’s work, is there enough here for me to provide some bit of useful feedback? That should be your measure.
After that, it can be nonfiction—from essay to memoir—or fiction, either flash or short, or an actual scene from a novel.
My only real solid request here is that it be no longer than 1200 words maximum. Which is not long.
I’ve had a couple people approach me about having a novel group; at this point, “no,” is my answer. I find that long posts simply do not get read.
HOWEVER, if enough people want this and are willing to put in some real time for each other… let me know, and we’ll take it from there.
For now, let’s kick off the SCENE group
NOTE: all these workshop posts go into the “The Unschool Workshop Space.” When you go directly to the newsletter page, under the Unschool For Writers title, is this “space.” Click on it, and if you are a paid subscriber you can access it.
(In order to register for this space, click on your icon in the upper RH corner, then click “Manage subscription,” followed by clicking “ Notificatins” and making certain you check the workshop space. DO ask if you find any of this confusing!)
EMAIL: alison@alisonacheson.com
I have used visuals to guide you to finding the posts in your group. So, a child reading a picturebook for that group! A “poetry” image for that one… and a “scene” (autumn!) for “Scene.”
Hi, I'm new to the group, and the scene workshop seems as though it may be a good place to jump in. I have a novel in progress but also a full-time job. Carving out enough time to give and get feedback on short scenes sounds doable!
Need this "scene" workshop, but am a little confused: do I email to tell you I'm interested, or do I just post some kind of scene??